Awareness about Democracy
To make future generations aware of Indian Constitution & its chief architect, Baba Sahib Dr. B R Ambedkar.
Fabrication of Intelligent Society
To aid in the fabrication of Intelligent society, making people scientifically demeanor.
Environmental awareness
Apprising them about environment adulteration and the exhaustion of natural resources.

Material Engineering
We have the experience and resources to quickly provide accurate square-foot.
- Atomic Structure
- Nanostructure
- Semiconductors
- Metal Alloys

Mechanical Engineering
For owners who want more involvement, but not to oversee construction.
- Structural Analysis
- Design And Drafting
- Acoustical Engineering
- Mechatronics And Robotics

Petroleum Industry
We have the experience and resources to quickly provide accurate square-foot.
- Petroleum Refiners
- Fuel Transport
- Gas Extraction
- Coal Manufacture

Industry Contruction
For owners who want more involvement, but not to oversee construction.
- Residential Construction
- Building Construction
- Industry Sectors
- Operating Instructions.
Social Organization
‘PARBUDDH BHARAT FOUNDATION’ has been made to spread the ideology and moral way of life as told by Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Lord Buddha among our young minds. It is of utmost necessity that citizens of India especially its posterity must be taught the significance of Democracy and Indian constitution owing to the fact that it contains the strength of bringing the marginalized community into the mainstream for their effective mental, physical, socio-economic growth.

Key Objectives of Organization


Intelligent Society

Environmental Awareness
"We must stand on our own feet and fight as best as we can for our rights. So carry on your agitation and organize your forces. Power and prestige will come to you through struggle."
- Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar